The Bloom Project


Festive florist choice blooms


Allow the florist to hand select a gorgeous festive style bouquet.

£25 – Flowers come gift wrapped and ready to place into a vase at home.

£35 – Flowers come gift wrapped in cellophane, tissue paper and a raffia bow, ready to place into a vase at home.

£45/£55 – Flowers come gift wrapped in cellophane, tissue paper and aqua packed in a gift box. Recipient can keep flowers in the box of water.

Delivery information:


Same-day deliveries must be received by 12 pm GMT, orders received after this time will be delivered the next working day.


We deliver flowers from 12 pm to 6 pm, Tuesday to Saturday. Unfortunately, we do not deliver on Sundays and Mondays.


We deliver locally to the Leicester area and selected Leicestershire postcodes. Please see below the costs: Leicester local (LE1, LE2, LE3, LE4, LE5, LE8, LE18, LE19) starting from £6.99.


Medium, Small, Large, Extra large

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